
Life Insurance For Parents

  • Life insurance provides a lump sum to your loved ones if you were to pass away.
  • Life insurance can help your family live their current lifestyle in the event of your death.
  • Term life insurance starting from £5* a month
  • Tailored protection to meet your needs.

Why is life insurance important?

Having term life insurance can ensure the financial security of your family stays in place, even if you’re not around.

Being a good parent is not only about being there for your children but also ensuring that your child’s financial future is secure if anything were to ever happen to you.

Having a life insurance policy in place is good, but if it isn’t covering you adequately, then what is the point of having it in place? Why pay a monthly premium for something that doesn’t guarantee your family’s financial security if you were no longer around? That is why it is very important to review your cover and get some advice to figure out exactly what you need in place.

We can help review your policy and give you the advice you need, free of charge.

What can a life insurance payout be used for?

  • Household Bills 
  • Day to Day Living Costs 
  • Any Debts In Your Name 
  • Funeral Costs
Application Process

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When should I review my policy?

You should review your policy annually as your circumstances may have changed meaning your financial protection may need to be updated. 

However, there are a few big changes in your life that will lead you having to alter your life insurance policy to ensure it’s covering you properly.

If you have any more children your monthly expenditure would have increased meaning the amount of cover you would need would have to increase as well to account for the new addition to your family.

If you have recently separated then it is very important that you update your life insurance policy and get the correct advice to ensure that your family is fully protected in the event of your death.

Life insurance after separation

Experiencing a divorce can be emotionally challenging for both people involved and their close ones. However, when it comes to life insurance, the aftermath of separation or divorce is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. In this discussion, we will explore various options that may be available in such situations.

If you go through a divorce or separation, your life insurance policy won’t undergo automatic changes. Therefore, there may be adjustments you need to consider making to the policy which we can help you make. 

Single Life Insurance Policies

Having separate life insurance policies can simplify matters in a divorce. It’s important to verify that your policy still meets your financial needs in light of the new circumstances. Additionally, you may want to update the life insurance beneficiary before, during, or after the divorce if you no longer wish your ex-partner to receive the life insurance payout.

A joint life insurance policy after divorce

Splitting it into two policies may be an option, but not all insurance companies offer this choice. If your insurer doesn’t allow the separation of the policies, there is an alternative option you can consider.

You cancel the joint policy and you both take out single life insurance policies with figures matching your new circumstances and new term lengths. This option may be better than splitting the joint policy into two, as it will be calculated to your new individual needs rather than the old figures being split down the middle. 


Let Us Help You Protect Your Family Financially ​

Cover starting from as little as 30p a day.